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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Bennett

10 Wellness Trends That We're All Talking About This Summer

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

Summer is finally upon us, and well, many of us spent most of Spring getting into shape and trying to "unbig our backs." Health trends continue for the Summer, and this year, they are just different! We know that around this time, partying, dating, and vacations are prevalent, and it's easy to neglect our health. So here's some hacks that we've been talking about . But let me just say, health enthusiasts have become very creative. Here are 10 health and wellness trends this summer that we're talking about.

1. Stay out of Your Feelings. Okay, so this one, no one is talking about. But lately, I feel it is necessary. And before you say anything, I mean control your emotions with friends and when meeting a potential mate this Summer. Two things that are important to do when we encounter an uncomfortable situation - avoid reacting right away, complaining all the time, and remain positive about it. Avoid it even if it hurts! I've read to apply the 72 hour rule before reacting to anything, which is waiting 72 hours before responding instead of responding while you are in your feelings. Remember, your peace is far too valuable, and you want to enjoy yourself this Summer and have a peace of mind. Remember, Happiness looks good on you sis!

2. Less Alcohol and More Mocktails. While rooftop brunches and day drinking mimosas are a staple of Summertime, more people are recognizing the benefits of sobriety. Covid brought attention to short-term and long-term risks of heavy alcohol consumption, and more people are putting their health first. Drinking and partying all the time looks glamorous, but it comes with complications we're all not talking about. It appears that more people are over the financial burden of drinking, the hangovers, being late for work the next day, addiction, social dependency and the other negative aspects to constantly drinking. The trend is called Sober Curiosity. The trend suggests swapping your margarita for a mocktail or club soda with fruit juice for a more refreshing feel. It doesn't sound too bad!

3. Electrolytes. Last year was all about hydration. But this year folks are monitoring their electrolyte intake. When we drink, workout, and sweat, we also lose the nutrients we need to to keep our bodies functioning. Electrolytes are essential for our bodies to function and absorb water. When we are dehydrated, we need electrolytes. Significant electrolytes include Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, magnesium, Calcium, Phosphate, and Bicarbonates.

4. 80/20 Rule. Okay so what is the 80/20 rule? I cannot keep up with all of the new health trends. My coworkers and I were talking about committing to a diet or healthy eating habits, and after a while, it becomes redundant. Long-term diets are boring! That's definitely why a balance between achieving health goals and enjoying life is necessary - hence the 80/20 rule. This trends means that 80 % of the food is for pure health purposes, while 20% of the foods are for your enjoyment. From my experience with weight-loss, I recognize that it's important to keep a balance.

5. Walking Pads. Walking pads are the biggest trend in working out and health - of course counting steps will forever be our baby. But walking pads are now in demand. Supposedly, according to The Every Girl, everyone is swearing by it. So walking pads work by controlling the tempo with how you walk with sensors and gives you a little extra push. Walking pads can be considered a folding treadmill and is controlled by your footsteps. It is easy and convenient to get a workout in anywhere.

6. Sleep Syncing. This step really caught my interest as I'm realizing that waking up at 4am in the morning requires that you get adequate sleep. One thing that we all neglect is our sleep. We have so much on our schedule, we are worried about life, and etc. It was revealed in a study By Direct Life Insurance that many people are becoming increasingly sleep deprived. Specialist have been trying to find ways to improve sleep habits and one of the ways is by sleep syncing, which is switching from heavy evening meals to afternoon light eating. The key is creating a healthier sleep routine and avoiding eating too heavy later on in the day. This helps to improve sleeping habits.

7.Gut Brain Connection. Improving gut health is not anything new. But what about the connection between our gut and our brain? According to Dr. Simone Laubscher, founder of Rejuv Wellness, over the last 5 years, we've seen a spike in mental health complications related to gut health. Scientist refer to our gut as a second brain partially for this reason. This is why gut health awareness is so important for maintaining mental health.

8. Digital Detox. It's no secret that many Americans spend hours a day on their phones. A study by Leeds University revealed that on average, Brits spend over 11 hours daily glued to their phones. And the digital detox trend is allowing many people to recognize their love affair with their screens. We are noticing the impact that constantly checking our phones has had on our lives and more people are opting for a healthier lifestyle. More celebrities are reducing social media interaction and now companies are also offering digital detoxing to their employees.

9. Spiritual Wellbeing. According to Forbes, spiritual wellbeing can play an important part in your overall health and wellness. This aspect of wellbeing is also responsible for bringing peace and happiness to one's life. Some techniques include meditation, breathwork, practicing gratitude, martial arts or prayer. It's mostly developing a relationship with your higher power.

10. Mouth Taping. Yes, this trend is exactly what is sounds like - taping your mouth shut. It requires you to tape your mouth shut at night. It has become popular among wellness enthusiasts. The purpose of the trend is to force you to breathe out of your nose at night, which may provide heath benefits such as humidifying the nasal passage. I'm not even sure about this trend, but I see where 2023 is going!

Comment if you have a new health trend.


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