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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Bennett

8 ways to upgrade your summer routine

Updated: Apr 3, 2023

When summer is around the corner and you haven’t gotten the chance to update your wellness regimen and reach your health wellness goals, don’t worry. There’s still time! It’s easy to get distracted by plans, cookouts, and fun outings. But keep in mind, you can make your busy schedule work for you.

1. Walk instead of driving

If the weather is beautiful, you mind as well take advantage of it. Summer is a great time to travel outdoors to where you need to go, whether it be running, biking, or hiking. By walking, you’ll be meeting many of your health needs i.e., exercise, soaking up vitamin D and improving your mental health. As you workout, your brain releases “happy chemicals” like serotonin and dopamine that can lift your mood. So, walk away your winter blues.

2. Practice skincare

The best way to achieve flawless skin, especially on the beach, is to moisturize and soothe skin before and after sun exposure — opt for SPF in your moisturizer and make-up products for extra protection. Remember, our skin can become very dry in the summer, so take extra care. Also, a little exfoliation can help lock in moisturizer and give our skin a glowing and vibrant appearance.

3. Hit the farmer’s market

There’s something about fresh fruits and vegetables on a summer day that just feels lighter and healthier. Oftentimes, summer is the time when you can find fresh and local produce of the season that usually tastes better than store-bought produce. You’ll also find that there’s a wider variety of fruits and veggies that are more affordable.

4. Make hydrating fun

Staying hydrated is not always the most exciting thing, but it’s necessary especially in the scorching summer days. However, you can try purchasing a water jug with words of encouragement written on them in order to have hydration goals met by a certain time. You can even try infusing fruit, adding rose petals, fresh mint, lemon, cucumbers or spice to boost the flavor and nutrients.

5. Take a yoga class at the park

Yoga class by a waterfront is serene and peaceful. This summer, try taking a new yoga class outdoors—it helps us gain other perspectives that boost our mood. And nature has its way of helping to improve out mental health.

6. Spice-up your swimsuit

The way we look and feel about ourselves has a big effect on our self-confidence. Make swimsuit shopping fun. Explore the trending styles this summer that fit your body shape and adds some style to your summer wardrobe. You shouldn’t have to feel self-conscious at the beach or on a fab vacation instead of enjoying the moment. According to The Every Girl, “swimsuit anxiety is a real thing.” So it’s important to work past it no matter what your body type may be and learn to love our bodies.

7. Go on a tech. break

Last summer was for hot girls, and we are still trading it in for a healing girl summer – yes, it’s still a thing! And most of the toxicity is coming from constantly comparing and competing on social media. This summer, try to enjoy the moment and have a summer that you won’t forget. When was the last time you spent a whole day without social media and took time for yourself?

8. Switch up your coffee order

During the summer, you’ll find tons of extra fun flavors. To stay healthier, ask for a drink with half the amount of flavor pumps. Also, try switching up on heathier add ons, such as cinnamon, which is full of antioxidants. Additionally, try a low-calorie cold drink options at Starbucks.

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