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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Bennett

Affirmation: I Attract Love By First Loving Myself.

Remember the last time you were on track, then you fell off the planet? Yea, it happens! Although, I'm not quite sure where the distractions come in. But it could be from living in a ridiculously high-priced New Jersey, working two jobs, taking care of a teenage boy --a very interesting one-- and a young Pitbull. A similar workload can make anyone forget about self-care. But I'm here to remind the both of us; let's not let that happen again. The next step is plan, plan, plan. I wrote my goals in my bullet journal, which I'm also posting on this blog. I invite any ideas in the comment section.

Sometimes, we need a rude awakening to bring us back on track. I know our creator knows what he's doing! Yesterday, with tears in my eyes, I prayed and asked God why some of the things were happening to me. I've been seeing signs that I'm on the right track, but then, I tend to lose focus. I think I should invest in a mentor for that -- something like an accountability partner. But back to my story. The very next day, an affirmation popped on my phone, which said. "I attract love by first loving myself."

When I think about self-love, I believe I love myself. However, this morning, I really sat and thought about it. What more can I do to love myself? I have pretty much neglected my health, allowed myself to pack on the pounds. I admit, I can be a bit more organized with my car and other things. I think the creator is trying to tell me..."You're not there yet, hon." So here are the goals I decided to put in place.

  1. Tone My Abs, Arms and Thighs.

This weekend, after posting my picture on social media, I actually saw what my "fupa" looked like second hand from the picture. And let's just say, my "fupa" was "fupa-ing" in my jeans, if you know what I mean. Luckily, my 16-year-old son, who has been talking trash about me eating the "whole party-size bag of chips," also got me a weight set and mat. I looked up a few workouts to try and saw this one fit. I then, took a before picture, and I will take another picture after I see some results. But let's just say I need her abs.

My goal is to complete ab exercises daily. Tonight will be my first night.

2. Drink More Water.

I have already stared this goal. I bought my son and I big motivation bottles for hydration. I just need to encourage myself to do it daily. Besides, my levels looked a little shaky at the doctor's office. I've been dehydrated more than once, which causes other more severe issues down the line such as kidney issues. Drinking water has many benefits. It is needed for many bodily functions, such as lubricating the joints, delivering oxygen throughout the body, preventing kidney damage, and more.

3. Reduce Sugar Intake.

Another goal of mine is to reduce sugar and substitute it for Stevia or for eating fruits and veggies. The last time I cut sugar, it really helped me lose weight. I just need to keep the subs on me at work for when I make morning coffee. In desperate times, we need our morning coffee. I plan to be prepared. Reducing sugar aids weight loss, promotes healthier skin, creates more energy, improves inflammation, improves sleep and etc. I think I made a pretty healthy elimination -- that and too many fried foods.

4. High Protein and Semi Low Carb Diet.

I've learned a lot from past diets, such as Keto and IT Fasting, and Weight Watchers. One thing I've learned is that many people believe carbs are the enemy as it pertains to weight loss. However, the body needs carbs to function. It helps brain function and gives us energy. The last time I did Keto, I lost 40 lbs. But I gained it right back. Keto is only helpful for short-term weight-loss, and it can be unhealthy if you don't do your research. I began to get sick from it. So now, I'm choosing to eat high protein, more fruits and veggies and carbs 3 times a week. I will also log into my calorie app to limit a high calorie intake. I mainly want to stay thick, healthy and tone.

5. Grow Spiritually.

In the past year, I've struggled with spirituality and began to question my faith. I studied, prayed and talked to others. But one thing that I'm learning to do it listen to God speak within myself. God always comes through in my time of need. I've prayed and got answers, and lately I feel really in tune with my creator. When I depend on God, he gives me direction. So, I'm ready to continue my spiritual journey.

6. Follow My Dreams.

Lastly, I want to focus on a few of my passions. One is writing my blog. I had to take off to get a second job and to take care of my family. But now, If I at least write once a week or bi-weekly, I can continue writing. I also recently started a business last year, in which I sell women's clothing that promotes health and wellness. Most of the tees and hoodies that I create contain a positive message on them. They both are to promote healthy living, self-love and spiritual growth. I plan to become more organized in the way I run my business as well as write.

Another key point is to remember that it is important to keep your dreams alive. If God gives you a vision, don't allow anything to stop what's in your heart. Pray for direction, God will always make a way.

What are your goals?


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