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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Bennett

Hot Yoga Boosts Your Circulation and Helps With Weight-Loss

For those of you who have never heard of Hot Yoga; well, it helps with weight-loss! That's actually just one of it's many benefits. We all know that yoga burns calories, but it appears that just the change of temperature makes a big difference. Practicing yoga in a heated room improves circulation, helps with skin nourishment and higher burning calories.

What Is Hot Yoga?

Hot yoga has very simple instructions. In order for it to work, one would need to turn the heat in a yoga studio between 80 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. So it may be more of a challenge to perform and to breathe as it would in regular temperature. It would typically include the following styles according to USA News:

  • Ashtanga

  • Bikram

  • Kundalini

  • Power Yoga

  • Vinyasa

How Does Hot Yoga Work?

When yoga is done in a heated room, it gives the heart, lungs and muscles a challenge to perform. Just think of it as breathing in a steam room or moving in a jacuzzi (but don't try it if you have a heart condition, diabetes, autoimmune disease, high-blood pressure or vertigo.) So before you begin, ask a healthcare provider.

The exercise also helps with skin nourishment. Improved circulation appears to move more oxygen and blood throughout the body and to your skin. So skin glow is definitely a benefit.

Now, here's the part we've been waiting for - the benefit of weight-loss. Hot yoga aids weight-loss because the body works harder and your metabolism speeds up when working out. Whenever your body is challenged to work harder, the more calories in burns.

Ready, Set, Flow

Make sure before you attempt, you have everything you need to be safe. Hydration is key. Ensure that you're completely hydrated and bring a water jug. It's easy to dehydrate and that could lead to feeling weak or dizzy. Make sure you have a towel handy for excess perspiration, and don't forget your yoga mat.

Now, you're all set - Namaste'

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