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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Bennett

Michelle Rischmiller Says She Lost Her Pandemic Weight Through IT Fasting, in a Recent Interview.

Minnesota native Michelle Rischmiller was one of the many people who packed on the pounds during the pandemic. As a Funeral Director, she saw the lives that were lost first-hand, and it caused her to eat for comfort. She said that she tried Weight Watchers and many other diets, but nothing seemed to fit her lifestyle like IT Fasting.

"IT Fasting and it's flexibility was easier for me," she said. She is still able to enjoy the foods she loves, such as chocolates and other fun foods, occasionally. "If I want to have something, I don't deprive myself of it," she says. "I also don't like counting calories or keeping track of anything. The only thing I log is when I am starting or breaking a fast into my Simple App."

She managed to lose over 30 lbs. through IT Fasting and is still going strong. Kudos to her for making it happen! She feels that the important part, for her, is keeping in mind those non-scale victories,

"The way I feel is important," she said. "My clothes started fitting differently within 5 days of fasting."

Michelle feels like the key to success is "taking a deep breath and relaxing yourself." She notices that it's easy to fret and lose hope in weight-loss because it doesn't come fast enough.

"Your body is going through changes," said Michelle. "You have to stick with it. And one thing about me is that I'm not uptight about losing weight, but I also try to live by the guidelines of fasting. I've learned to eat when you're truly hungry."

On a normal day, Michelle likes to ride her bike, hike, read and spend time with her grandchildren. She also adds that she and her husband enjoy cooking. They seldom go out to eat.

"I'm a bit of a food snob," she adds. "We like to explore food with our palates. That's what I crave."

Michelle is still able to engage in the things that mean the most to her and as a foody, and her IT Fasting lifestyle fits into her schedule. She is a part of the Simple App community on Facebook and uses the app for support.

According to her, the plan that works best for her is 18:6, which means abstaining from eating for 18 hours and eat all meals in a 6 hour window. However, she allows her times to fluctuate. If she feels intense hunger, she may end her fast at 15 hours, and it works for her.

"I realized how often I eat just because my boss said it was lunch time, and I wasn't even hungry," she stated in an interview. "It's important just to eat when you're hungry."

Her usual schedule entails drinking lots of water. She tries to drink 2 -3 16 oz waters in the morning before work. She gets to work at 7am in the morning, and drinks 32 to 48 oz before work daily. Also, for exercise, now that the weather is breaking, she walks 2-3 miles daily. Sometimes, she may go to the mall and walk around. But when it's nice outside, she has a chance to be active. During the winter months, she is less active.

What motivates he the most is her mindset. She keeps calm and steady in order to achieve her goals. Worry and anxiety can stunt your progress according to Michelle. She also recommends reading Fast .Feast. Repeat by Gin Stephens.

Congrats to Michelle, and we wish her more success on her weight-loss journey!


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