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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Bennett

Preparing Your Summer Body? 6 Reasons You've Hit A Weight-Loss Plateau On Keto And Other Diets.

So since February, I've entered my weight-loss and natural hair growth journey. I literally lost 10. lbs in 20 days. But today, I'm a little disappointed in this week's weigh-in result. I actually put on a few lbs - yes I gained weight on a diet. Of course other factors interplayed that were out of my control, but I still felt horrible. I know it's a part of the journey, and I'm still learning and not giving up. My experience motivated me to research more about my eating habits. Considering that I just turned 40, weight became harder to lose. From reading about how to strengthen my Keto diet, I found a few tips to work on. Check them out.

1. Manage Protein. Often people advise others to increase your protein intake, which is fine - eat enough protein, but not too much. Protein is good for you. It boosts your metabolism, reduces your appetite, and changes several weight regulating hormones. But there's a catch.

"Too many proteins will stop your body from getting into ketosis due to a process called gluconeogenesis," explained fitness trainer Ryan Weaver in an article from the

Use an app to measure your intake for your gender, height, and weight. You can also speak to a nutritionist to regulate your intake. 🍖

2. Limit Alcohol. Limit alcohol, even if it's no sugar or reduced calorie alcohol. Alcohol makes it harder to burn fat. Alcohol will shut down fat burning from 12 to 36 hours depending on how much you drank. Alcohol can be high in calories and also your body will burn off the alcohol first before anything. When your body is in ketosis, it will burn acetate rather than fat.

3. Eating Hidden Source of Carbs. Pay attention to hidden sources of carbs, sugars, fats and etc. Nuts and some veggies can be high in carbs. For Keto, eating too many can send you out of ketosis. When you're out of ketosis, and still eating high amounts of fat, you'll gain weight.

"There are very few foods completely devoid of carbohydrates, and foods that are not readily recognized as a high carb food will still contain some carbohydrates," Kamp suggested. 🥜

I know that I personally found out that there was over 20 carbs in some chili and tonic water. Fast food and processed food contain more hidden carbs, even if a place like Wendy's advertises Keto friendly foods. For example, I went to Wawa for an egg and sausage bowl, and it contained 10 net carbs (which is carbs minus fiber and alcohol sugars.) Net carbs is what can be turned into glucose. This is what you need to watch.🍛

4. Eat enough calories to keep your metabolism burning but not too many calories. Not enough calories can make your weight-loss hit a plateau.

However, "Anytime you are taking in more calories than your body needs, you will gain weight," explained certified Nutrition Coach Esther Avant in an article in "Too much of any food can cause a person to gain weight, and fats are no different." 🔥

5. Stay Healthy Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually. Other bad habits can cause weight gain, such as not enough exercise, sleep, and too much stress. These are all factors. Bad habits and not enough sleep can cause weight gain because it increases a hormone called Ghrelin, which increases your appetite. Stress also stimulates your appetite and can lead to stress eating.🧘🏾‍♀️

6. Get In Exercise At Least 2 - 3 Times A Week. Weight-loss is around 75 % diet and 25 % exercise. So while most of it comes from diet changes, working out helps burn calories, improves your health and long-term weight management. If you workout while maintaining a good diet, your weight will come off.

This week, I have dedicated myself to monitoring my carb, protein, fat and calorie intake to the tee. I am making sure I don't assume before I eat. Better luck next week!


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