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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Bennett

Thinking about quitting? How to stay motivated to quit drinking alcohol.

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

Girl drinking alcohol at a party

If you’re thinking about quitting alcohol, you’re not the only one. Mocktails seem to be the latest buzz trending this Summer, according to Health News. Here's why. While late night partying, socializing and hanging out can be fun, many people are recognizing the “not so fun” side of binge drinking. It’s called addiction! They’ve taken a look at the consistent hangovers, risky sex, money spent, blackouts, depression, and poor decisions, and realized it’s not worth it. Mocktail anyone?

“It is estimated that more than 140,000 people (approximately 97,000 men and 43,000 women) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the fourth-leading preventable cause of death in the United States behind tobacco, poor diet and physical inactivity, and illegal drugs,” according to National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

So if you’re looking to begin doing the work towards building a better life for yourself, know that it’s not easy if you have developed an addiction already. There will be times when you will feel unmotivated to continue quitting. It could be seeing friends drink who seem to never have the problems you have (so you think.) Maybe you feel down about life. Just know drinking for that reason is never a good.

The important thing about staying on track, whether it’s reducing or eliminating use all together, is how you choose to deal with these temptations or problems. Whether you decide to allow them to hold you back or to motivate you to keep pushing is on you. Sometimes, it can be overwhelming to change, especially when you don’t believe you can heal, but there are ways to keep pushing in order to quit drinking alcohol. Even if you're not addicted, and you just want to slow down, it is possible.

Woman happy with her family

1. Think about the whys.

Keep in mind the reason behind your decision. Who is being affected the most? Maybe you’re your children, parents, or even your job. Being caught in the cycle of obsession, other known as addiction, beginning your journey to recovery is not for the weak. Let me tell you! A rock bottom situation or significant event brought you to your decision. So remember when you feel low and as if you cannot continue in recovery, a great way to motivate yourself is to remember why you started in the first place.

Woman practicing wellness

2. Sobriety comes with benefits.

Sometimes, people don’t realize how great sobriety feels until they don’t drink for a while. They may notice clearer thinking, more money in their pockets, feeling energized and less problems. Remind yourself of these benefits when you feel unmotivated. It’s easy to get into a state of denial. However, knowing the benefits such as being healthier, and finding happiness can be enough to keep you on track.

Woman at peace

3. Be mindful of your mental health.

When you are neglecting your mental health, it’s harder to stay focused. Addiction normally gives you a reason to rely on drinking to feel better. This is always a delusion that comes with addiction. It never makes you feel better. In fact, because alcohol is a depressant, you usually feel worse afterward. And every time you binge, you're digging yourself deeper into your problems. If you find yourself feeling lack of motivation, ask yourself if you have been practicing self-care.

Woman happy with her friends

4. Practice gratitude.

No, the answer is not always keep a gratitude journal! It may help, but being grateful can be as simple as making a conscious effort to reflect on the things you love, dreams, motivation. It can be easy to be unappreciative because of the cards you may have been dealt, but when you focus on things that are positive and things that are good, you change your perceptions. In turn, you also change your actions.

Woman having fun

5. Find fun activities.

People who don’t drink sometimes get resentful because they feel as though they cannot have fun. They begin to isolate themselves not realizing that isolating yourself can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, doubt. It leaves you stuck in a “perpetual cycle of negative thoughts.” Connect with like-minded people. Go to the theatre, movies, or go for a walk. You’ll see that life without alcohol doesn’t have to be a lame life!

Women thinking about quitting alcohol and pursuing her dreams

6. Follow your dreams.

Finding something you’re good at or pursuing a dream can be fulfilling. It gives you purpose! Some people stay lost in the cycle of addiction because they lack just that! In my experience with addiction, people stay stuck in the same cycle because they are looking for meaning in their life. Although many avoid the topic, introducing a higher power into this process of searching for purpose has been extraordinarily helpful to many people that have been successful in obtaining sobriety.

Good luck on your journey!

Written by: Taylor Bennett


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