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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Bennett

Why am I so tired? 9 reasons your energy is depleted

Updated: Mar 1, 2023

Having zero energy can be a scary thing - especially if all you have energy to do is sleep. I've been there. It's the days when it literally takes every fiber of your being to think! It's also known as brain fog, which is caused by fatigue. But what's up with that? Besides the demands of family life, a crazy work load and other obligations, there are legit health reasons that can explain why your energy is in the dumpster. So don't fret, I got you!

1.Low Iron

If you have ever been diagnosed with Anemia, then understand that it may get worse in your 40s. Anemia is a condition in which the blood doesn't have enough healthy red blood cells. It requires a diagnoses in order to be treated or in order for you to take Iron supplements. Be sure to take it with Vitamin C, so that the iron is absorbed. There are several other herbal remedies that can help. However, if you are feeling shortness of breath, dizziness, low-energy and fatigue, it may be a possibility that your iron is low. Keep in mind, one shouldn't take iron unless you've been diagnosed for risk of iron overdose.

2. Allergies

There's more to allergy symptoms than just watery eyes, sneezing, itching and cough. Some of the rarely mentioned symptoms are low-energy and fatigue. If you're unaware of your allergy symptoms, and they've gone untreated, the next step may be a spout of low-energy. Why? Because our body is working overtime to fight off allergens. So if you're fatigue is accompanied by allergy symptoms, you may want to seek an allergist.

3. Depression

If our mind, soul, and spirit is off balanced, plenty of symptoms can take place. For one, there's depression, anxiety, panic attacks and more. Additionally, depression can drain all of your energy as well as motivation. So if you're extremely tired, and you also have feelings of sadness, anxiousness, hopelessness and difficulty concentrating, you may want to seek a mental health specialist.


Stress can lead to various medical issues and chronic stress is linked to 6 leading causes of death. So be mindful how you allow daily problems to affect you. Your mind and body are closely linked and are in communication with one another all of the time. If your mind and soul aren't healthy, the results will soon show up in your body.

5. A sedentary lifestyle

Believe it or not, your body can grow tired from over sleeping or from a lack of working out. According to Sobia Khan, MD, in an article in Women's Health, "The human body gets more tired with progressive sedentary habits due to generalized deconditioning of the body, and ultimately, muscle loss." The less you move, the more muscle you'll lose. You'll begin to notice that it takes a lot more effort to do the things you used to.

6 Lack of nutrients/too many carbs

With our busy schedules and with fast food being so accessible, it's so easy to pick up some of our favs on the way home to save some time. Additionally, unhealthy foods are easier to find. And let's not forget they taste so good. However, some of those fast foods may not be giving us the nutrients our body needs, which would explain why we continue to be hungry after eating unhealthy foods. Our body craves nutrients, and when it doesn't get it, it is unable to run at it's normal capacity. Some research links a deficiency of Vitamin D to chronic fatigues syndrome. Additionally, if you're including too many carbs into your diet from fast foods, it causes you're blood sugar to spike. While the spike may give you energy, the crash may send you downhill, for sure.


It is often said that many people are diagnosed with prediabetes, so you shouldn't have to worry. However, the mark should alert you to begin changing your eating habits - prediabetic fatigue is a real thing. High and low blood sugars can cause tiredness. The symptoms may include increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, blurred vison, hunger and more.

8. Pregnancy

Some women may not realize that they are pregnant until they've become unusually tired. Pregnancy fatigue can start as early as one week after conception or during the first 12 weeks. Sometimes, tiredness may be the only symptom after conception that women notice.

9. Thyroid Problems

The thyroid - known as the butterfly shaped gland in your neck - is one of the top reasons many women claim to be warn out and tired. The thyroid produces the hormones that regulate how your body burns fuel for energy. If you're thyroid is overactive, you can begin to burn out and cause fatigue.

There are several other causes for fatigue that may be due to underlying health issues. If you should ever notice a depletion in energy continues after you've gotten sleep, taken your vitamins and made minor changes into your workout and diet, you may want to see your doctor.

Written by: Taylor Bennett


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